Saturday 2 February 2008

Things that wouldn't work in SA!

Ten things that wouldn't work in SA, but are part of every day life here in the US.

1. Crossing a road in a parking lot with 98% certainty that cars will stop for you.

2. Self-checkout aisles in supermarkets.

3. Leaving your bicycle outside a convenience store without locking it up.

4. Leaving your kid's toys out on the front lawn.

5. Getting an awesome tax payout after only working for 5 months. This in addition to the fact that it takes two weeks from submission of forms to payout!

6. Leaving your cell phone somewhere and having it returned to you.

7. Being able to buy marshmallow in a jar. Its called fluff! Seriously! Apparently you put it onto a sandwich with peanut butter.

8. Leaving your coat or jacket on your seat in a sports arena while you go and buy more beer.

9. Buying tequila at a sports match. (I think I've spoken enough about this though!)

10. Calling your used car dealership "Koons!"

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